Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Blog ... That was easy [sorry Staples]

First, Cathy and I would like to thank all of you for your outpouring of love expressed by prayers, meals / offers for meals in the future, phone calls, notes and assistance with Hope and general hand holding.

We praise God for y'all and the strength that we've drawn from those prayers.

Tonight, however, we just kind of hit the wall from exhaustion - too many things to do in too short time and on too little sleep for both of us.

As I write this, Cathy is taking her shower and and then prepping with the pre-surgery cloth protocol [only to scrub down again in the morning]. We are to arrive at the hospital by 6:45 and I hope to be able to blog throughout the day and in the coming days.

NOTE: The doctor told us to have a "No Visitor" policy after surgery to aid in her rest and recovery. We hope to return home by Sunday evening at the latest.

Thanks for loving Cathy, keeping up with her journey through this blog and allowing her to begin her healing as quietly as possible. As y'all know, it's hard to keep my "bundle of energy" down for very long, so I reckon she'll welcome your calls in the not-too-distant future!


Linda said...

Have been thinking of you Cathy all day today and all night. As a woman, I have tended to try to put myself in your place and imagine the emotions that have been racing thru you, especially tonight. You are in my prayers through this're handling of this is the blog is titled "fight, Cathy, fight!!! Besides, you have purple hair...(inside joke) Love Linda

Anonymous said...

Aunt Cathy, Uncle Greg, Wesley, and Hope - I pray for you every day. You all are admirably strong, but will need God's Love and Strength through this - and I know He's carrying you now. I love all of you, and I know in my heart that He will protect you and ease your hearts and minds. Rest comfortably Cathy, and easily. This is a journey, one of the many roads possible in this human lifetime, but one I know you'll run right through. Know you are so loved by your family. (plus, everyone knows that one with purple hair has Superpowers!)
Love, Kari

Unknown said...


You are awesome! Thanks for taking the time to create this blog! We all want to continue to lift you and Cathy up in prayer through the journey!

We love you!

Barb (and Jon)

Ruthie C said...

Hi Friends!
As I write this, you are just arriving to the hospital. We're praying for every step of your 'journey'. Greg and Cath, we are struck by the way God is Glorified thru you guys. Cath, I think of that story you tell of when Hopie was a baby, and you were going to Easter Seals for therapy. A mom there said to you, sincerely and with bewilderment as she was dealing with her disabled child, "why are you so happy?". That opened up conversation, beginning with your response, "because I have hope (Hope!)".
"Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests known to God". Phil 4:4-6
Hey, ALL the Caseys are praying for you, for Cathy, for Greg, for Wes, and for Hope..Love ya tons! man...we do love you guys!
carol~ for all the caseys

nana said...

Greg and Cathy--You have been in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day and were almost the first thought and prayer that came into my mind this morning. May God be your refuge and strength and may you especially feel his everlasting arms around you this morning. Love to you all! DAWN CLARK

Fly Fishing Posse said...

Dearest Greg and Cathy
Thank you so much for taking time to create this blog. We are praying for you each day and trusting the Lord with you for his goodness. May you find strength in our Lord to endu re these next moments and hours. Know that you are being carried by the prayers of us all. "The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary"... Isaiah 40:28
much love
Sheli for the Lindsay family

carol g said...

My sleep was restless as I thought about what Cathy was facing today. I woke up to a very vivid dream that I was in a hospital bed at the hospital w/ Cathy...they took me into surgery too...then Cathy and I were comparing stitches and commenting on how surprised we were that there was NO pain! Then came the terrorist attack and more adventure as we escaped the hospital only to find that our cell phones were not working....very crazy!

Well as the docs are at work right now....may they have wisdom and precision and an understanding that this is a very special woman to alot of people who need her!

Isa 46.3 "Listen to ME O House of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been borne by Me from before your birth, carried from the womb;even to your old age (YES!)I AM HE, and to gray hairs (yes, i understand the Cathy's hair is purple ..? ...but God looks at the heart not color) I WILL carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save."

May the Schmidt family continue to be surprised by HIS care in yet another extreme circumstance. Carol

Linda said...

Perhaps it is time to explain the "purple hair"...many moons ago when Kari was 4 years old, she met a young lady dating her Uncle we drove home from Rockford that night, Kari informed us that she "really liked that girl with the purple hair" I guess Cathy's long red hair looked purple in our daughter's eyes at the age of 4....