Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Initial results from pathology were relayed to us today ... and they were nowhere near as optimistic as we had hoped for. Dr. Lee was much more guarded than on Friday, Dr. G. [plastic surgeon] rose to the occassion with Cathy.

Cathy has three more tests to complete [CT scan, PET scan and bone scan] and also her initial meeting with the oncologist on 10/8.

In the meantime, we continue to covet your prayers on her behalf for strength [spiritual as well as physical], accelerated healing and great future results against more daunting odds. Thank you.


Eric Maertens said...

Oh Mrs Schmidt. I wish I could be there to joke around with you while you are getting better. I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as is the rest of you family. You all mean alot to me.


carol g said...

Greg-the promise you made at the altar, "In sickness and in health.." is the picture of great care you are showing for Cathy...it is what I saw demonstrated in 2005 from Dad to Mom...it was poignantly sacred, touching, and precious -I knew I was privileged to be in the hospital room to watch....it was awesome. What great love you have for Cathy!
Cathy-I have written this to you before: from Jeremiah Denton - in the POW camp, after the "torture of the day." His thoughts went to Mary at the foot of the cross...where, strangely enough, we too find hope:
Her face showed grief but not despair,
Her head though bowed had faith to spare
And even now she could suppose His thorns would somehow yield a rose.
Her life with HIM was full of signs that God writes straight with crooked lines!!
Dark clouds can hide the rising sun and all seem lost....when all is won!

May He be under girding you all with supernatural love and strength. Cathy, no matter the circumstances, you are still and always - a beloved daughter of the LIVING GOD!

Ruthie C said...

Dear Greg and Cathy,
We sure are praying! I've had a song on my mind for a couple of days...can't get it out of my head, you know what I mean? The words to 'Great is Thy Faithfulness' keep rattling around me...especially, "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!"
We love you!
carol~for kev and the kids

Fly Fishing Posse said...

Dear Greg and Cathy
"Be strong in the Lord." " Fear not for I will be with you. " " Thy rod and staff comfort you" May you continue to trust Him and His promises. Cath you are a fighter and we are all praying for you and for the family. We miss your cheerful smile and the way you enter a room with joy and great love for those in the room!!! Many people are asking how you are doing and lifting you up in prayer. Remember that you are loved and you are "missed"!!!
much love

susan jahns said...

Psalm 34:4-6 "I sought the Lord and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them." Cathy, today may you sense the "angel of the Lord" encamping around you! Continuing to pray.
Randy and Susan Jahns

Sarah Papierski said...

Dear Greg and Cathy,

My family and I are in constant prayer for you and your family. We pray all goes well in the next stepes to fight this. I don't know anyone with as much "fighting power" as you do Cathy. If I knew one person that could conquer this cancer, it would be you. I know and pray the Lord's glory will shine through this situation. I also speaking for the Prayer Ministry Team at Hyacks and you are a priority in our prayers. We love you so so much and you are one of the most amazing and godly women alive.
Sarah Papierski

Pflederer said...

Cathy, Greg, Wes and Hope: You all are in our hearts and prayers each day. "May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you." Ps. 33:22
Warmly, The Pflederers

Pflederer said...

Cathy, Greg, Wes and Hope,
You are in our thoughts and prayers each day. Cathy, we miss seeing your smiling face at church. May God's peace strengthen you today.
"May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you." Psalm 33:22
Warmly, The Pflederers

Anonymous said...

Cathy; I love you so much, but God loves you even more. Rest, heal.
You are in my prayers.

Aunt Joyce

Kelly said...

We are praying continuously with and for you all. Cathy and Greg, you both have been an encouragement and inspiration as long as we have known you, thank you for continuing that through this time! We love you.
In Him,