Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, the "fireworks" are still to come, but Cathy received her final chemo today and it does have that feeling of completing your FINAL final exam. If the last two treatments of Taxol are a reliable guide, we can expect 2-3 brutal days with some relief coming by late Saturday or mid-day Sunday and feeling pretty spunky by Tuesday ... THEN we can say the chemo is "a wrap"!

We found out last Friday that Cathy will begin radiation oncology sometime after her "scheduling meeting" on March 3rd. What we know for sure is that she will incur 25-28 treatments, 1/day over the course of 5 - 5 1/2 weeks. Fatigue will evidently set in ~ week three. The GREAT news about it is it'll take place across the street from CDH and easily en route home from her work in Wheaton. We've been told the whole process from entrance to exit can take place in approximately 15 minutes.

We have been reminded how volatile / unpredictable Triple Negative breast cancer can be, often coming back in different parts of the body as a different type of cancer. As Dr. Bayer has stated, however, "we're going for the cure, not just buying you time", thus the aggressive chemo AND radiation regimen. It is not living in denial, it is not looking at the world through rose colored glasses, but we will remain upbeat, positive and most importantly relying on God's sovereignty for Cathy's future. His providence through all of this seems to indicate more years to enjoy Cathy's company. Please join us in prayer to that end. God's richest blessings to you for your love, care and prayers through this long [and continuing] journey.


Anonymous said...

Cathy and Greg - Continuing to lift you up in prayer. You are in my thoughts daily. Wish I could send some of this weather to you for your enjoyment - 80F and sunny, mild breeze, lovely day. Hoping God shines on your heart and also that He gives you some quiet rest while this last dose does its thing. God's Peace.

Patty for The Pfennig Pfamily said...

Well, I'm finally finding time to read this blog & let you know we are praying for you all. We have been busy this month, as well - Jillian had back surgery on 1/26 - to repair a fractured L5 vertabrae (fusion with a bone graft from her hip.) Doing well, but praying for full, no-pain recovery; she has suffered for 18 months. Please give Hope a kiss from me; and a hug for Wesley. Wes might want to contact Jillian - she is home for the semester & will be grabbing some credits at C.O.D. (Cell: 630-699-2143.) Love to the Schmidts!!

Rick Uplegger said...

Cathy and Greg,
My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. Let me know if there is anything you guys need.
Take care and God be with you.
Rick Uplegger