Thursday, October 16, 2008

The results are in!

Cathy received the call this morning from her surgeon that her PET scan came back "clear" [with a little qualification]. She told Cathy that a spot shows up in her left chest, as if an infected lymph node was left behind, but she believes it to be a "shadow". The Dr. said they would proceed with chemo and radiation and take another PET scan afterward to assure that any potential real spot has been eradicated.

On 10/24 Cathy will undergo a minor surgery to install her "medi-port" to ease administering of chemo.

WOW, as I write this, I realize that three weeks ago the first blog entry was made on the eve of her surgery.

Much has transpired since then. Cathy's energy is increasing but pain still remains. Through it all we have seen God's faithfulness in handling the large and small details. Thank you all for your prayers and many acts of service, we are sooo appreciative.


Ali Neumayer said...

praise God! I love you guys and I'm praying for you all the time :)

the caseys said...

Thank you, God!!! I don't think I've ever had the privilege to see how wonderfully the Body of Christ functions until now. I had told you, Cath, that as I prayed, about a week and a half ago, I said, "God, I have an idea...please God...the doctor said this cancer was going to be a marathon for Cathy, not a sprint..but God, could it be a relay? You could line up all the people who love Greg and Cathy, line them up ready to take the baton and run with it..take that cancer away from Cathy for a time until the next person wants that opportunity...we could run that relay together until we finish in victory!" I realized that the Body of Christ is kind of like that...we can't take the cancer from you, but we can take other burdens. I've seen Hyackers take the 'baton', Stars parents, Bible Study friends, wonderful neighbors, and so so SO many people who love you guys...all eagerly taking the baton to run the marathon with you.
I see you, Cath, I see that God is using you in those doctor appointments, to be a light...those nurses, and other patients, and doctors must be wondering...where does her joy come from at a time like this?
You are an example to all of us!
carol..for the gang..

Anonymous said...

Praise, Praise, Praise!
I love you, Cathy.


Vonnie Van Someren said...

hi Cathy (Greg,Wes & Hope) - Know YOU are loved and prayed for daily! Trusting God is meeting your needs - mind and body: hourly, by the minute- all day(and night) long. Ps. 121 :2,3 "My help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth. He will not let your foot be moved; He who keeps YOU will not slumber!" we come along side you - in love and prayer, Vonnie

Anonymous said...

Cathy - writing this on the eve of your next step - the implant. We are praying that all goes smoothly as God guides the hands of your doctors. "Do not fear, for I have overcome the world." Our love and prayers join with all the others.

Jeff and Shirley Schultz