Saturday, November 28, 2009

Too much fun? Too much to eat?

Perhaps we overdid it taking Cathy to the Rockford area for Thanksgiving to be with her family. The food and warm fellowship were excellent as always and not something Cathy or the rest of our small family could stand to miss. But in light of how comprimised Cathy has felt since returning it sure makes me second guess staying too long or Cathy indulging too much [extra pressure on her liver causing extra pressure on her lungs]?

On Friday we finally reviewed her labs from Monday's chemo. They weren't good: platelets below 100 and other factors above or below norms. It caused me to do some more internet research about Triple Negative and I was smacked into reality at just how pernicious this cancer is. Stories of other triple negative breast cancer patients with similar stories to Cathy's: faithful, young, vibrant, healthy, active women inflicted with this insidious stuff. Please continue to pray for her strength, response to chemo, the doctor's wisdom, timely medical advances and God's overarching grace and mercy.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


"WOW!!", Dr. Bayer exclaimed while feeling Cathy's abdomen during last Monday's chemo appointment. He followed that up by facetiously saying, "We don't even need to have a CT scan". Evidently the swelling in Cathy's liver has noticeably receded. Cathy then asked if she could have her chemo [got both the nab-paclitaxel and Avastin this time] sans the steroids. Dr. Bayer, knowing his model patient is tough, in tune with her body and capabilities, and able to take the "risk", agreed.

Since it had been 11 days since Cathy's last chemo and she felt strong, she skipped the steroids feeling they caused side effects worse than any perceived benefit, and she proved quite perceptive - she slept better after the chemo, exhibited none of the "shakes" she had after previous chemos and was unfazed by the chemo's nasty effects until about Wednesday afternoon.

Tonight Cathy felt she may have regressed a little bit but I think it's due to the increased activity she has exhibited over the last 3 days and the protracted time she has avoided the oxygen [generator or mobile backpack unit]. Cathy's voice is stronger, aforementioned energy and activity increased and resolve renewed. She ate quite well today, too!

Tomorrow brings another chemo [nab-paclitaxel only] and we hope the side effects will be minimized so Thanksgiving with family can be maximized, for we have MUCH to thank the Lord for. We wish you dear and faithful "followers" a blessed Thanksgiving as well and thank you for your prayers, cards, letters, phone calls and support in so many ways.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hark, is that light?

Well, Cathy reacts like anyone/most would when she gets chemo, but as she "digests" the nasty stuff and "emerges from the" she looks and acts much like the Cathy I know and love. Well, that may be stretching it with regards to the "looking" aspect [she still has oxygen support, is VERY thin and has lost her hair] but the sparkle is back in her eyes, her face shows little effects from the crud she's been through over the last few weeks, and her wit, charm and spunk are effervescent as ever. Her voice is much stronger as she's overcome the thrush and perhaps gained lung capacity as [we're hoping & praying] her liver swelling may be receding.

Couple the physical / relational improvement with platelets that continue their ascent to normalcy and liver enzymes that have begun to fall and optimism has returned to our home. It's all anecdotal for now as we'll not know anything conclusive until sometime in early December when Cathy will get another CT scan, but it sure seems we're moving in the right direction.

We praise God for Cathy's apparent improvement and face each day with renewed optimism.