Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Breaking news...

As one of the goals of my vacation, I was able to accompany Cathy to her chemo today. Although she didn't have her pre-treatment meeting with the doctor and there was only one drug administered, the flowrate made this chemo nearly 4.5 hours long [future chemos should go quicker as they learn of Cathy's ability to handle the drug]. Many updates as a result of Cathy's round #5 [and first of Taxol]

1] I've been meaning to remind those who have seen Cathy on her "good week" that they shouldn't be misled. Cytoxin and especially Adriamycin were BRUTAL. When Cathy left home she would burn brightly with friends and family, then flame out. Furthermore, the cumulative effect has taken a toll on her. This most recent "good week", albeit during Christmas, was never really good - lots of nausea. Cathy's diet, physical conditioning and stamina, attitude and faith enabled her to rise above much of the nasties.

2] However, we've been told that Taxol doesn't produce as much nausea as the first cocktail. As a result, I need to refrain from assuming that she'll be unfazed by Taxol with regard to nausea completely due to #1 above, but I sure would like to see that!

3] Side effects from Taxol, we've been told, include the total loss of any remaining hair she has and neuropathy [which she already experienced after round #4]

4] Pre-chemo labs showed very acceptable white blood cell counts but VERY LOW hemoglobin. Beef and green leafy vegetables high in iron are now in order and an extra blood test will be conducted next week to check the hemoglobin.

5] I need to set the record straight or risk a libel suit from the "innocent" Neulasta shot [day-after-chemo shot designed to boost the immune system]. The timing of the shot seemed to indict Neulasta as the nausea culprit. It turns out the steroids administered during chemo wear off 24 - 48 hours after they were administered and it was, indeed, the chemo drugs that caused the nausea.

6] Prayer requests, then, include:
- increased hemoglobin; Cathy dreads the thought of a blood transfusion if not
- a marked reduction in nausea
- successful interventions to limit neuropathy

Thank you for reading, caring and praying. I hope to report soon on better results.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Since it's been so long since last I blogged, perhaps we've lost our readership. It seemed during round 3 we had settled into a bit of a routine [albeit a real yucky one]. I had considered blogging since 11/21 with the simple line of:


Well, regardless, we want to thank each and everyone who has followed this blog, prayed for Cathy, provided meals, treats, well-wishes at church or helped Hope in the AM/PM shifts for your faithful service on her account. We have so much to be thankful for and at this Christmas time, when we reflect on God's greatest gift to humanity in the provision of Christ for what really ails us all, we can only be thankful and humbled by His grace and your love as a result.

As far as the news goes; we are now wrapping up chemo #4 as Cathy begins to regain her strength and appetite. The oncologist and we were looking forward to getting beyond the "red stuff" [the kidney and heart-toxic Adriamycin] and are hoping the last four treatments with Taxol might be a little gentler. However, Taxol has the side-effect of neuropathy [nerve implications]. Cathy has already begun to experience this in her hands and fingertips, leading her to believe they may have given her the wrong dose during her fourth treatment on 12/16.

Some other good news: we are pleased with how we scheduled the chemos such that Cathy has been able to enjoy [and recharge / replenish her diet] Thanksgiving, our first First Trust Christmas party [12/15] and now Christmas [New Year's eve will be a different story with #5 occurring on Tuesday, 12/30]. Additionally, I was able to combine my remaining 8 vacation days with Christmas and New Years Day and take a full two weeks off to care for Cathy, take care of Hope while off for Christmas break and provide a reprieve our "Hopie's Helpers".

Now, having spent 23 years in the motivation / reward / recognition industry, should I reward the first person who reads this post to the end and "comments" ... ?

We wish a joyous and blessed Christmas to you and yours.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I spoke too soon ...

Well, it was "fun" while it lasted. Cathy survived the first 24 hours after her Neulasta shot pretty well, but came crashing down late Thursday afternoon. She's a pretty sick puppy now so we're looking forward to another quiet weekend. But there's no place I'd rather be than caring for my bride and my daughter as a result. Your thoughts and prayers on her behalf are appreciated!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a trooper!

Well, for those who saw my wife between 11/10 and 11/17, you may have been hard pressed to know she was battling cancer and the effects of chemo. OK, so her energy didn't last as long as normal, but she sure had good bursts of it!

We did enjoy Hope's 19th birthday on 11/10 and with Wesley and his sweetie, Danielle, in tow, we enjoyed High School Musical 3 and Culver's afterward almost as much as watching Hope's response to the movie - what a blast she is!

But back to the business at hand: I admit to feel due some kudos for recognizing the quality of bride I coerced into marriage 27+ years ago, but she's even amazing me after all this time. Allow me to explain:

- Monday 11/17 saw Cathy get her labs [good news that her white blood count was well above the minimum], visit the cancer support center, get her first "fill" at the plastic surgeon's office with no complaints at all and end the night at the cosmetologist's office where her hair was buzzed and wig styled. While it was shocking to see her minus her beautiful hair, her glowing facial features more than compensated for her loss ... and not a tear was shed!

- Tuesday was round two of chemo with Cytoxin and Adriamycin with little more than some fatigue and chills in the evening.

- Today "featured" her second shot of Neulasta [the brutal stuff] and as I write this, she is sitting by my side and going relatively strong! Taking a cue from previous warriors, she has "overhydrated" herself to mitigate some of the nauseau and fatigue.

I don't think we'll adequately thank y'all for your prayers, support, assistance and concern, but we feel and appreciate it profoundly. Thank you Lord for your loving arms and comfort to our family, especially Cathy.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Well, this was one week we'd rather forget! It seemed Cathy survived the chemo pretty well. With the exception of the symptoms I referred to in my previous post, she seemed to rebound, even admitting to feeling well Wednesday AM. That is until a few hours after the administration of the Neulasta shot. Starting Wednesday evening and lasting up until around noon today [Sunday], Cathy was just whooped. Indeed she felt bone pain, extreme fatigue, dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite.

We're hoping for a good week this week since Tuesday, 11/18 we will start this "fun" all over again. It appears very likely that every other week from now until early February, we'll have "a week we'd rather forget". Thanks for keeping Cathy in your prayers!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well, round one of 8 has been administered. Cathy did well with the delivery of the meds today but started feeling the effects around dinner time ... fatigue, flu-like feelings, weird sensations, dry mouth, etc. The good news is Cathy was in awe by the delivery system [medi-port] as well as the technology of all of the other tests she's undergone - I think it's neat that while going through this, she can still see the wonder of God's provision via our advancements in medicine. As has been the case in the past when I've been unable to accompany Cathy to one of her numerous medical appointments, today she was graced by the companionship of a dear sister in Christ.

Tomorrow she gets an immune system booster that promises aching down to the bones for 2-3 days - FUN!

The army of saints continue to amaze us and cause us to praise God for His mercies thru them. We are also astonished at God's providence to move me from a 23 year career as a manufacturer's representative [the last 13 years as owner of the small firm] to my current employment which bestows unparalleled health insurance. One less [very big] thing to worry about. Thank you Lord, thank you First Trust and thank you all for your interest in, concern for and prayers on behalf of my dear bride.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The week that was / The week that will be

Monday Cathy and I met with the plastic surgeon. He's pleased with her mending process so now, instead of Monday and Thursday apppointments, we've now moved to appointments every other Monday [for now, at least].

Wednesday mid afternoon we met with the oncologist and his staff. Cathy is scheduled to begin her chemotherapy on 11/4 with a combination of Cytoxan and Andriamycin ["heart toxic"]. Due to her stage 3c "triple negative" diagnosis, Cathy's care is referred to as "dose dense". Not only are the meds "aggressive" in nature, the frequency is every other week for four treatments, followed by a second medication [Taxol] for four more treatments, instead of "normal" chemo once every three weeks for six treatments.

Friday morning brought a minor "procedure" to install her medi-port below her right collarbone to facilitate easy hook up for her chemo.

Cathy has bounced back very well [continued dull pain at incision sites] from the original surgery and was out for dinner with friends and me on Friday night after her surgery in the morning. However we are very wary about the future with 8 doses of chemo, followed by radiation therapy. As a result, I'm concerned we'll likely not see the effervescent Cathy we all know and love so well for 4 - 6 months.

The week ahead appears to be relatively light with all of Cathy's current engagements occuring on Monday, 10/27: MUGA test in the morning [to begin a baseline of her heart function as they'll monitor it throughout threatment] and chemotherapy "education" at Delnor Hospital in the afternoon.

Thank you once again for being Christ's arms, feet and heart to us in such a tangible way as well as taking our cares, concerns and needs before the Lord's throne of grace in prayer.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The results are in!

Cathy received the call this morning from her surgeon that her PET scan came back "clear" [with a little qualification]. She told Cathy that a spot shows up in her left chest, as if an infected lymph node was left behind, but she believes it to be a "shadow". The Dr. said they would proceed with chemo and radiation and take another PET scan afterward to assure that any potential real spot has been eradicated.

On 10/24 Cathy will undergo a minor surgery to install her "medi-port" to ease administering of chemo.

WOW, as I write this, I realize that three weeks ago the first blog entry was made on the eve of her surgery.

Much has transpired since then. Cathy's energy is increasing but pain still remains. Through it all we have seen God's faithfulness in handling the large and small details. Thank you all for your prayers and many acts of service, we are sooo appreciative.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Steady as she goes

Well, the pain is beginning to wane, energy is returning slowly and we've been heartened by two good tests [whole body bone and CT scan were "clear"]. However, we still have a very important scan [PET] to take on Monday evening. Cathy also meets with her surgeon Monday at noon in preparation for her 10/24 surgery to implant her Medi-Port [for chemotherapy] and has standing appointments every Monday and Thursday afternoon with the plastic surgeon. As you can see, 10/13 will be a busy day, but it is the results of her PET scan that we covet your prayers for. Thanks for your outpouring of love, prayer, and interest in keeping up with Cathy's Journey!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oncology ...

The last 24 hours have been busy with the medical community. Tuesday evening Cathy did the whole body bone scan and initial reports from her surgeon's office staff were that they were good.

Wednesday afternoon we met with the oncologist and received sober news of Cathy's "triple negative" diagnosis. As a result, in addition to the other tests we had scheduled [PET and CT scans], we need to do a genetics test for BRCA1 and meet with research specialists at the University of Chicago Hospital. At this point we're looking at two rounds of Chemo [one may involve a very expensive, aggressive and potentially damaging drug] followed by radiation. Blood was also drawn today for two blood tests: microscopic tumor material and protein tumor markers.

We are to meet w/ U of C Drs. between now and the next appointment with our local oncologist on 10/22.

Additionally, this evening [from 6:30 - 9:00] Cathy completed the CT scan but nothing has been revealed about the results.

Cathy has stopped taking her prescription pain medicines as of Tuesday and has only two tablets left of her antibiotics.

We see the plastic surgeon tomorrow evening and we hope to make some positive advancements with him during this upcoming appointment.

Had I known how prophetic Cathy's blog title might be, I wish I had called it, "Piece 'O Cake, Cathy".

We have never been Christ followers for a Health & Wealth agenda, so we are not focused so much on the prosperity aspect of this verse we are clinging to, but rather the "hope and a future": "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

God is sovereign and he will accomplish His purposes. Please pray with us that His plan for Cathy is full restoration of her health.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Prayer & Thanksgiving

We continue to be amazed at God's provision through so many of you in prayer, meals, assistance and pleas to help further. We've been well cared for and want for nothing physical except healing for Cathy and rest for us all.

We would ask for continued prayer for Cathy for comfort and good results from her upcoming tests [whole body bone scan on Tuesday, CT & PET scans TBD] and ongoing healing and that the pain would subside soon.

We meet with the oncologist on Wednesday afternoon so we hope to get more information and direction from him [we've heard exemplary things about him].

Hope still wants to hug her mom with her "all body bear hugs" but she is content just being near mom and getting kisses and "makeshift" hugs.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Initial results from pathology were relayed to us today ... and they were nowhere near as optimistic as we had hoped for. Dr. Lee was much more guarded than on Friday, Dr. G. [plastic surgeon] rose to the occassion with Cathy.

Cathy has three more tests to complete [CT scan, PET scan and bone scan] and also her initial meeting with the oncologist on 10/8.

In the meantime, we continue to covet your prayers on her behalf for strength [spiritual as well as physical], accelerated healing and great future results against more daunting odds. Thank you.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Blessed and humbled

We've been home over 1 day now, and it hasn't been just quiet convalescing. Between ineffective and nausea inducing pain-killers, and concerns over drains, pinching, bleeding, swelling and the like, we've been busy with visits to Drs and pharmacies. We think we've made the proper adjustments and are moving on.

After an update on the "state of affairs", I must point out that we are, indeed, humbled by the outpouring of love and support by many dear folks via prayer, meals and care for Hope pre and post school. Thank you for blessing Cathy and the rest of our family by your love and service!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Dr. Ghadari just left after checking Cathy out, removing the pain pump [it was installed such that it could come home with her, but had "slipped out" after 12-18 hours and she's been on oral pain meds since] and changing her bandages.

Since she had eaten breakfast and we had walked prior to his arrival, and based upon his assessment of her condition, he gave the hospital orders that we could leave at Cathy's discretion.

As I write this, we are enjoying the College Church 9:30 service over the internet and Cathy is in no rush to "bug out". Upon our return, I plan on putting a card on our door advising when Cathy welcomes visitors and when she needs rest and quiet. We'll depart when Cathy decides she's ready to return home. Thank you for your interest, prayers and understanding her wishes.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Where do we go from here ..

Well, as anyone who has spent time in a hospital before knows, Cathy did NOT get a good night sleep between machinery, discomfort and the continual parade of nurses and techs arriving to check vitals, etc. Her post-surgery anesthetic slumber lasted only about 30 minutes and Cathy was in full form worried about the inflatable leggings and "spirometer".

I succeeded in keeping Dr. Lee's "educated guess" [stage 3 cancer] from her so she could rest better last evening, but did give her the full report this morning, which was still a very positive prognosis from Dr. Lee. Cathy, however, is focused on the negative possibilities and "what ifs". Dr. G. stopped by this morning and encouraged Cathy to think of this as a marathon, not a sprint. He also asked her NOT to think 3 steps ahead ... so antithetical for Cathy!

I will remind her, over and over again, about Matt 6:25-34 and Phil 4:6-7 ... please pray for her to rest in these key scriptures.

Friday, September 26, 2008


She's out of "recovery" and in her SUITE, but she is far from alert or even awake. In light of the lack of sleep she's had over the last few weeks, headache she endured pre-surgery and the trauma her body received during surgery, I was delighted to hear she'll likely sleep thru the night before the anesthesia wears off - GREAT. Quoting Brad Paisley, "She looks so much like an angel, I don't wanna wake her up!"

Speaking of WOW, I'm not sure how we got this Hyatt-like suite - are these the normal level of accouterments due to the outstanding benefits of my employer? Private room with high ceilings, flat screen TV, granite tiled bathroom, sleepable couch for moi, etc. Next door is a kitchen / living room while across from Cathy's room is a quiet sitting area complete with waterfall and 3rd floor veranda. She may not want to come home! Staff and Drs have been wonderful, too.

Slicing & dicing is done for now [round 1]

Plastic surgeon [Dr. G.] spoke to me a little after 2:30 that his surgical work on Cathy was done. She did fine and he had nothing abnormal to say about the surgery. Post op recovery expected to be 1-1.5 hours. Dr. G. will visit the next two days. Please lift Cathy and Hope [she misses her mom so] up in prayer as the healing begins.
We [Cathy's family and I] just met with the surgeon who performed the mastectomy. Surgery itself went well but cancer was found in 4 or 5 nodes beyond the sentinel node. Lab results will not be known until next week, but the Dr. suspects that this would indicate ~stage 3 cancer. That was a blow, but the Dr. recognizes Cathy's spunk and fighting spirit and expects good results when it's all said & done. We will pray toward that end.

Start your engines ...

Evidently surgery was scheduled for 9:45, but then got delayed ~1/2 hour. Cathy was in tears before I left her to pre-op shortly after 9:00, but from a NASTY headache. As uncomfortable as the sentinel node biopsy was, she said it was eclipsed by her headache [had all night, slept very poorly, and unable to take aspirin or drink per Drs. orders!] They administered some morphine before I left her. Between both Drs., they have scheduled 6 hours for surgery but we expect it to be more like 5.
Both of Cathy's sisters and their husbands arrived shortly after she was gowned and in her little "room", providing comic relief. She is having the sentinel node biopsied now [not a pleasant experience] as we wait. Leaving her curtained area en route to the lab, the nurse commented on what a wonderful wife I have ... like Hope, she shares her sunshine wherever she goes!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Blog ... That was easy [sorry Staples]

First, Cathy and I would like to thank all of you for your outpouring of love expressed by prayers, meals / offers for meals in the future, phone calls, notes and assistance with Hope and general hand holding.

We praise God for y'all and the strength that we've drawn from those prayers.

Tonight, however, we just kind of hit the wall from exhaustion - too many things to do in too short time and on too little sleep for both of us.

As I write this, Cathy is taking her shower and and then prepping with the pre-surgery cloth protocol [only to scrub down again in the morning]. We are to arrive at the hospital by 6:45 and I hope to be able to blog throughout the day and in the coming days.

NOTE: The doctor told us to have a "No Visitor" policy after surgery to aid in her rest and recovery. We hope to return home by Sunday evening at the latest.

Thanks for loving Cathy, keeping up with her journey through this blog and allowing her to begin her healing as quietly as possible. As y'all know, it's hard to keep my "bundle of energy" down for very long, so I reckon she'll welcome your calls in the not-too-distant future!