Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Initial results from pathology were relayed to us today ... and they were nowhere near as optimistic as we had hoped for. Dr. Lee was much more guarded than on Friday, Dr. G. [plastic surgeon] rose to the occassion with Cathy.

Cathy has three more tests to complete [CT scan, PET scan and bone scan] and also her initial meeting with the oncologist on 10/8.

In the meantime, we continue to covet your prayers on her behalf for strength [spiritual as well as physical], accelerated healing and great future results against more daunting odds. Thank you.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Blessed and humbled

We've been home over 1 day now, and it hasn't been just quiet convalescing. Between ineffective and nausea inducing pain-killers, and concerns over drains, pinching, bleeding, swelling and the like, we've been busy with visits to Drs and pharmacies. We think we've made the proper adjustments and are moving on.

After an update on the "state of affairs", I must point out that we are, indeed, humbled by the outpouring of love and support by many dear folks via prayer, meals and care for Hope pre and post school. Thank you for blessing Cathy and the rest of our family by your love and service!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Dr. Ghadari just left after checking Cathy out, removing the pain pump [it was installed such that it could come home with her, but had "slipped out" after 12-18 hours and she's been on oral pain meds since] and changing her bandages.

Since she had eaten breakfast and we had walked prior to his arrival, and based upon his assessment of her condition, he gave the hospital orders that we could leave at Cathy's discretion.

As I write this, we are enjoying the College Church 9:30 service over the internet and Cathy is in no rush to "bug out". Upon our return, I plan on putting a card on our door advising when Cathy welcomes visitors and when she needs rest and quiet. We'll depart when Cathy decides she's ready to return home. Thank you for your interest, prayers and understanding her wishes.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Where do we go from here ..

Well, as anyone who has spent time in a hospital before knows, Cathy did NOT get a good night sleep between machinery, discomfort and the continual parade of nurses and techs arriving to check vitals, etc. Her post-surgery anesthetic slumber lasted only about 30 minutes and Cathy was in full form worried about the inflatable leggings and "spirometer".

I succeeded in keeping Dr. Lee's "educated guess" [stage 3 cancer] from her so she could rest better last evening, but did give her the full report this morning, which was still a very positive prognosis from Dr. Lee. Cathy, however, is focused on the negative possibilities and "what ifs". Dr. G. stopped by this morning and encouraged Cathy to think of this as a marathon, not a sprint. He also asked her NOT to think 3 steps ahead ... so antithetical for Cathy!

I will remind her, over and over again, about Matt 6:25-34 and Phil 4:6-7 ... please pray for her to rest in these key scriptures.

Friday, September 26, 2008


She's out of "recovery" and in her SUITE, but she is far from alert or even awake. In light of the lack of sleep she's had over the last few weeks, headache she endured pre-surgery and the trauma her body received during surgery, I was delighted to hear she'll likely sleep thru the night before the anesthesia wears off - GREAT. Quoting Brad Paisley, "She looks so much like an angel, I don't wanna wake her up!"

Speaking of WOW, I'm not sure how we got this Hyatt-like suite - are these the normal level of accouterments due to the outstanding benefits of my employer? Private room with high ceilings, flat screen TV, granite tiled bathroom, sleepable couch for moi, etc. Next door is a kitchen / living room while across from Cathy's room is a quiet sitting area complete with waterfall and 3rd floor veranda. She may not want to come home! Staff and Drs have been wonderful, too.

Slicing & dicing is done for now [round 1]

Plastic surgeon [Dr. G.] spoke to me a little after 2:30 that his surgical work on Cathy was done. She did fine and he had nothing abnormal to say about the surgery. Post op recovery expected to be 1-1.5 hours. Dr. G. will visit the next two days. Please lift Cathy and Hope [she misses her mom so] up in prayer as the healing begins.
We [Cathy's family and I] just met with the surgeon who performed the mastectomy. Surgery itself went well but cancer was found in 4 or 5 nodes beyond the sentinel node. Lab results will not be known until next week, but the Dr. suspects that this would indicate ~stage 3 cancer. That was a blow, but the Dr. recognizes Cathy's spunk and fighting spirit and expects good results when it's all said & done. We will pray toward that end.

Start your engines ...

Evidently surgery was scheduled for 9:45, but then got delayed ~1/2 hour. Cathy was in tears before I left her to pre-op shortly after 9:00, but from a NASTY headache. As uncomfortable as the sentinel node biopsy was, she said it was eclipsed by her headache [had all night, slept very poorly, and unable to take aspirin or drink per Drs. orders!] They administered some morphine before I left her. Between both Drs., they have scheduled 6 hours for surgery but we expect it to be more like 5.
Both of Cathy's sisters and their husbands arrived shortly after she was gowned and in her little "room", providing comic relief. She is having the sentinel node biopsied now [not a pleasant experience] as we wait. Leaving her curtained area en route to the lab, the nurse commented on what a wonderful wife I have ... like Hope, she shares her sunshine wherever she goes!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Blog ... That was easy [sorry Staples]

First, Cathy and I would like to thank all of you for your outpouring of love expressed by prayers, meals / offers for meals in the future, phone calls, notes and assistance with Hope and general hand holding.

We praise God for y'all and the strength that we've drawn from those prayers.

Tonight, however, we just kind of hit the wall from exhaustion - too many things to do in too short time and on too little sleep for both of us.

As I write this, Cathy is taking her shower and and then prepping with the pre-surgery cloth protocol [only to scrub down again in the morning]. We are to arrive at the hospital by 6:45 and I hope to be able to blog throughout the day and in the coming days.

NOTE: The doctor told us to have a "No Visitor" policy after surgery to aid in her rest and recovery. We hope to return home by Sunday evening at the latest.

Thanks for loving Cathy, keeping up with her journey through this blog and allowing her to begin her healing as quietly as possible. As y'all know, it's hard to keep my "bundle of energy" down for very long, so I reckon she'll welcome your calls in the not-too-distant future!