Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Since it's been so long since last I blogged, perhaps we've lost our readership. It seemed during round 3 we had settled into a bit of a routine [albeit a real yucky one]. I had considered blogging since 11/21 with the simple line of:


Well, regardless, we want to thank each and everyone who has followed this blog, prayed for Cathy, provided meals, treats, well-wishes at church or helped Hope in the AM/PM shifts for your faithful service on her account. We have so much to be thankful for and at this Christmas time, when we reflect on God's greatest gift to humanity in the provision of Christ for what really ails us all, we can only be thankful and humbled by His grace and your love as a result.

As far as the news goes; we are now wrapping up chemo #4 as Cathy begins to regain her strength and appetite. The oncologist and we were looking forward to getting beyond the "red stuff" [the kidney and heart-toxic Adriamycin] and are hoping the last four treatments with Taxol might be a little gentler. However, Taxol has the side-effect of neuropathy [nerve implications]. Cathy has already begun to experience this in her hands and fingertips, leading her to believe they may have given her the wrong dose during her fourth treatment on 12/16.

Some other good news: we are pleased with how we scheduled the chemos such that Cathy has been able to enjoy [and recharge / replenish her diet] Thanksgiving, our first First Trust Christmas party [12/15] and now Christmas [New Year's eve will be a different story with #5 occurring on Tuesday, 12/30]. Additionally, I was able to combine my remaining 8 vacation days with Christmas and New Years Day and take a full two weeks off to care for Cathy, take care of Hope while off for Christmas break and provide a reprieve our "Hopie's Helpers".

Now, having spent 23 years in the motivation / reward / recognition industry, should I reward the first person who reads this post to the end and "comments" ... ?

We wish a joyous and blessed Christmas to you and yours.


KThill said...

Thanks for posting and keeping us updated. It was great to see you guys at the Christmas Eve service - Cathy looked fantastic! :)

Merry Christmas!

Rick said...

Greg, Thank you for the are also in our prayers for strength and stamina. It was great to have Cathy join Hyacks for the Progressive Dinner in December! You sure have a cute wife! We pray for your family each day! Gail Pflederer