Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hark, is that light?

Well, Cathy reacts like anyone/most would when she gets chemo, but as she "digests" the nasty stuff and "emerges from the" she looks and acts much like the Cathy I know and love. Well, that may be stretching it with regards to the "looking" aspect [she still has oxygen support, is VERY thin and has lost her hair] but the sparkle is back in her eyes, her face shows little effects from the crud she's been through over the last few weeks, and her wit, charm and spunk are effervescent as ever. Her voice is much stronger as she's overcome the thrush and perhaps gained lung capacity as [we're hoping & praying] her liver swelling may be receding.

Couple the physical / relational improvement with platelets that continue their ascent to normalcy and liver enzymes that have begun to fall and optimism has returned to our home. It's all anecdotal for now as we'll not know anything conclusive until sometime in early December when Cathy will get another CT scan, but it sure seems we're moving in the right direction.

We praise God for Cathy's apparent improvement and face each day with renewed optimism.

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