Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The [Mother] Eagle Has Landed

Cathy was released from the hospital tonight. Although she screened negative for Hepatitis A, B or C from her 1/15/09 blood draw, the infectious disease doctor called in on Cathy's case seems to think the recent elevation of liver enzymes was due either to:
"Hepatitis" as a reaction to the medication designed to combat THRUSH, Flucazanole OR
Yeast / Candidiasis in her liver [thrush migrated there]
So, fun for us, we will be administering the same intravenous anti-fungal medication she has been receiving while in the hospital the last 2 or 3 days. Thankfully, our insurance provides for Home Health Care that will get us set up for it and instruct us how to do it.

Our "matriarch" is tired from inability to sleep in the hospital, dried out in her mouth / nose from the dry hospital air and now eating quite well again! Her liver enzymes are coming down, WBC is up and should continue to rise through lack of chemo the last two weeks and for the foreseeable future and platelets are well into normal range.

Another prayer concern is that Cathy will not get chemo until her liver enzymes are under control. This cancer has been aggressive and fast growing, we hope and pray that the cancer will be held in abeyance while her enzymes retreat.

1 comment:

Amber Johnson said...

Hi Greg and Cathy,
Just wanted to let you know that Kevin and I often check your blog to see how you guys are doing. Also, Cathy, we pray for you EVERY night. Give Hope a big hug from us. I'm sure that she is about as "awnry" as Ashley is!
Take care, and we will continue to check this blog to see how your family is doing. We love you guys! Lori Johnson