Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Latest

An update from Thursday's last post will, again, be mixed with good and bad. Wesley and Hope accompanied me to visit Cathy on Thursday evening and Leanne joined us a little later. We were all encouraged at Cathy's coherence and improvement resulting from some pain medications and the IVIG drip.

Friday AM I was back at the hospital in the morning for Dr. Bayer's rounds. Cathy had received her chemo overnight and was responding very well. While I was at work she had some visitors and appeared to be unfazed. Friday night upon my return with Hope, we were amazed at what we saw. Leanne had come as well and remarked that Cathy looked about 80% of her normal self and I couldn't disagree. Her pain meds were changed slightly and she received her 2nd dose of IVIG.

Saturday, however, was an awful "relapse" into the pain and weakness we had been seeing prior to arriving at the hospital. Before I made it to the hospital in the morning, Cathy called to inform me of her sleepless and uncomfortable night. Her normally concave abdomen has been slightly distended due to the swelling of her liver from the cancer. Cathy is much too private and proper for me to write this but both chemo and the pain meds are each sufficient alone to cause constipation ... she had BOTH and is quite stopped up as a result, adding insult to injury in her abdomen.

The Dr. had indicated that [especially when the tumor has not been surgically removed prior to?] her chemo would present her with good and bad days. The effects of the meds on the tumor themselves might release toxins[?] and make her sick, too. In her experience, if this is the case, it seems a bit odd since she had such a great day immediately following the chemo and this day we'd all like to forget today!

While I took Hope home in the late afternoon for a change of scenery for her and dinner at home, Leanne remained with Cathy. Leanne called from the hospital and offered to care for Hope at home while I returned to visit Cathy. Upon her arrival, Leanne was visibly shaken and crying profusely by Cathy's condition. It's now 9:30 PM and Cathy is miserable with minuscule relief. Now her third night in the hospital ... we'll need to see remarkable improvement for her to come home sometime on Sunday, but not until we know she is good AND stable.

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