Sunday, November 9, 2008


Well, this was one week we'd rather forget! It seemed Cathy survived the chemo pretty well. With the exception of the symptoms I referred to in my previous post, she seemed to rebound, even admitting to feeling well Wednesday AM. That is until a few hours after the administration of the Neulasta shot. Starting Wednesday evening and lasting up until around noon today [Sunday], Cathy was just whooped. Indeed she felt bone pain, extreme fatigue, dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite.

We're hoping for a good week this week since Tuesday, 11/18 we will start this "fun" all over again. It appears very likely that every other week from now until early February, we'll have "a week we'd rather forget". Thanks for keeping Cathy in your prayers!


Unknown said...

cathy- I am praying for you everyday, I hope that you start feeling better soon!
Much love, Bridget :)

KThill said...

Cath - You are in my prayers and the prayers of several of my close friends around campus. I pray that you enjoy this "week off" and that God continues to grant you strength and courage as you face the next round next week.
Much love, Kels

Tiina Petersen said...

Cathy & Greg,

We are praying for you daily. Let us know if there is anything else we can do.

The Petersens