Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a trooper!

Well, for those who saw my wife between 11/10 and 11/17, you may have been hard pressed to know she was battling cancer and the effects of chemo. OK, so her energy didn't last as long as normal, but she sure had good bursts of it!

We did enjoy Hope's 19th birthday on 11/10 and with Wesley and his sweetie, Danielle, in tow, we enjoyed High School Musical 3 and Culver's afterward almost as much as watching Hope's response to the movie - what a blast she is!

But back to the business at hand: I admit to feel due some kudos for recognizing the quality of bride I coerced into marriage 27+ years ago, but she's even amazing me after all this time. Allow me to explain:

- Monday 11/17 saw Cathy get her labs [good news that her white blood count was well above the minimum], visit the cancer support center, get her first "fill" at the plastic surgeon's office with no complaints at all and end the night at the cosmetologist's office where her hair was buzzed and wig styled. While it was shocking to see her minus her beautiful hair, her glowing facial features more than compensated for her loss ... and not a tear was shed!

- Tuesday was round two of chemo with Cytoxin and Adriamycin with little more than some fatigue and chills in the evening.

- Today "featured" her second shot of Neulasta [the brutal stuff] and as I write this, she is sitting by my side and going relatively strong! Taking a cue from previous warriors, she has "overhydrated" herself to mitigate some of the nauseau and fatigue.

I don't think we'll adequately thank y'all for your prayers, support, assistance and concern, but we feel and appreciate it profoundly. Thank you Lord for your loving arms and comfort to our family, especially Cathy.

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